The Schedule Settings lets you manage when the optin appears to visitors. You can select a specific time zone and then set a timeframe or recurring days and times to display the optin.
Select the time zone for when the optin will appear to visitors. You can choose a specific time zone or UTC.
Set Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the global standard for time zones.
Select a custom time zone if you want the optin to appear at specific times in that region.
Note: When “Local Time (User TZ)” is selected, the optin will appear based on the visitor’s time zone. This dynamic time adjusts based on the visitor’s location.
For example, if the optin is set to appear between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, each visitor will see it during those hours in their local time. This keeps the timing consistent for everyone, wherever they are.
Schedule a Timeframe
Select Start Date
Defines the date and time when the optin will appear to visitors. There are two options to choose from.
Immediately: Start displaying the optin as soon as it’s published.
Custom: Select a specific date and time to begin displaying the optin. This optin is ideal for planning and coordinating events or promotions.

Select End Date
Specifies the date and time for the optin to stop displaying. There are two options to choose from.
Never: Keep the optin active with no end date.
Custom: Set a specific end date and time for the optin to stop displaying. It is only relevant for time-limited offers like sales or seasonal promotions.
Set Recurring Days And Times
You can toggle between Everyday or Weekdays to control the days and times the optin should appear.

Everyday: Displays the optin every day.
Weekdays: Select specific days within the week to show the optin.
Set Start & End Time: No matter which option you select, you can also set a custom time range for the optin to appear.
For example:
- Everyday: 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
- Sunday: 12:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 AM
To adjust the time for a specific day,
- Click on the Time Schedule next to the day’s name.
- Set start and end times as required.
Remember to hit Save in the top right corner.